压缩.log 文件为zip后删除原文件 需要注意:本人作为小白,该脚本需要和.log在一起,后面有时间需要改正. #!/usr/local/python/bin/python #-*-coding=utf8 -*- import time import os import sys import zipfile N = 7 #设置删除多少天前的文件 def zip(srcpath): for folder,sumfolder,files in os.walk(srcpath): for file
MySQL删除data文件夹后,怎么都无法启动了,出现错误: 150106 9:28:43 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled. wampmysqld: Table 'mysql.plugin' doesn't exist 150106 9:28:43 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run mysql_upgrade to create it. 150106 9:28:43 InnoDB
批量删除文件,得用批处理文件,文件名随便,路径改成你的Repository,代码如下 rem 这里写你的仓库路径 set REPOSITORY_PATH=d:\repo rem 正在搜索... for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /s "%REPOSITORY_PATH%\*lastUpdated*"') do ( del /s /q %%i ) rem 搜索完毕 pause 删除后还来updated,郁闷死你时,不防切换到aliyun