只挑个人感觉使用较多/比较重要的点来说 namespace Create a namespace so that the resources you create in this exercise are isolated from the rest of your cluster. 和Linux的namespace是类似的,做一个隔离
参考资料: K8S-网络隔离参考 OpenContrail is an open source network virtualization platform for the cloud. – Kube-O-Contrail – get your hands dirty with Kubernetes and OpenContrail OpenContrail is an open source network virtualization platform for the cloud. Ope
报错信息: Message: Forbidden!Configured service account doesn't have access. Service account may have been revoked. User "system:serviceaccount:mycomp-services-process:default" cannot get resource “pods” in API group "" in the namespace &q
在用longhorn工具做k8s存储卷动态预配的时候,需要修改longhorn.yaml的一个默认参数,修改完成需要重新加载longhorn.yaml,结果重新加载出错了,修改的参数没有生效,于是执行kubectl delete -f longhorn.yaml想将部署的资源全部删除重新启动:但是发现创建的namespace无法删除,状态一直是Terminating: [root@k8smaster longhorn]# kubectl get ns NAME STATUS AGE defaul
一.概述 kubernetes中Service是真实应用的抽象,将用来代理Pod,对外提供固定IP作为访问入口,这样通过访问Service便能访问到相应的Pod,而对访问者来说只需知道Service的访问地址,而不需要感知Pod的变化: Service是通过Label来关联Pod的,在Service的定义中,设置 .spec.selector为name=redis-master,将关联上Pod: #kubectl get service redis-master NAME CLUSTER_IP
IPC namespace 用来隔离 System V IPC 对象和 POSIX message queues.其中 System V IPC 对象包含共享内存.信号量和消息队列,笔者在<System V IPC 之共享内存>.<System V IPC 之信号量>和<System V IPC 之消息队列>三篇博文中对它们分别进行过介绍.本文我们将通过 demo 演示如何通过 IPC namespace 对 IPC 资源进行隔离,本文的演示环境为 ubuntu 16.