1 数据结构 消费者的消费状态是保存在SubscriptionState类中的,而SubscriptionState有个重要的属性那就是assignment保存了消费者消费的partition及其partition的状态 public class SubscriptionState { /* the pattern user has requested */ private Pattern subscribedPattern; /* the list of topics the user has
批量SQL提交 参考 21.2.6. Connector/NET Connection String Options Reference . Allow Batch true When true, multiple SQL statements can be sent with one command execution. -Note- Starting with MySQL 4.1.1, batch statements should be separated by the server-de
FD 提供了批量执行功能, 称为 Array DML. 可以这么做: FDQuery1.SQL.Text := 'insert into MyTab values (:p1, :p2, :p3)'; // here FDQuery1.Params collection is filled by 3 parameters FDQuery1.Params.ArraySize := 100; for i := 0 to 100-1 do begin FDQuery1.Params[0].AsInteg