"You are the Controller",Kinect for Xbox的广告词.明白说明了Kinect体感的交互方式.作为一款集成了诸多先进视觉技术的自然交互设备,Kinect在学术和游戏业界均享有非常高的关注度.此外,Kinect硬件的研发与生产综合了声.光.电和机械学等多方面的技术.其主要零部件近百个,是眼下市场上大批量生产中的最为复杂的电子消费产品. Kinect 的关键技术有四点:骨骼跟踪.动作识别.人脸识别.语音识别.本文关注的是基于前两者,骨骼跟踪和动作识别.这是
Torque or force mode When the joint motor is enabled and the control loop is disabled, then the joint will try to reach the desired target velocity given the maximum torque/force it is capable to deliver. When that maximum torque/force is very high,