关于kudu的primary key The primary key may not be changed after the table is created. You must drop and recreate a table to select a new primary key. 创建之后主键列不能变更 The columns which make up the primary key must be listed first in the schema. 否则会报错: ImpalaR
Google GFS文件系统深入分析 现在云计算渐成潮流,对大规模数据应用.可伸缩.高容错的分布式文件系统的需求日渐增长.Google根据自身的经验打造的这套针对大量廉价客户机的Google GFS文件系统已经广泛的在Google内部进行部署,对于有类似需求的企业而言有相当的参考价值. AD:51CTO移动APP安全沙龙!马上要爆满,手慢没座位! 51CTO编辑注:本文是一篇论文,英文原文标题为The Google File System,在Google Labs上公布,由blademaster