0.设置自己的host文件,将127.0.0.1指向自己想要访问的域名 www.yours.com 1.MAC设置应用在127.0.0.1:80端口访问: config/index.js目录下修改host和port 然后sudo运行npm run dev:(mac的80端口是被自身分享应用占用的,使用的话需要root权限) sudo npm run dev 运行完后,在127.0.0.1:80下能访问应用了.但是,在www.yours.com下,页面上会出现"Invalid
转自博客:https://www.cnblogs.com/cynthia-wuqian/p/8575401.html 1.MAC设置应用在127.0.0.1:80端口访问: config/index.js目录下修改host和port 然后sudo运行npm run dev:(mac的80端口是被自身分享应用占用的,使用的话需要root权限) sudo npm run dev 运行完后,在127.0.0.1:80下能访问应用了.但是,在www.yours.com下,页面上会出现"Invalid H
use \hspace ,eg., \hspace{-.1cm} before and after summation to stop violation of margin. 比如下面一段公式代码 1 \begin{align} 2 \label{sys_1} 3 {\Delta{\ddot {\theta}}}_{i}(t) & = ( -\dfrac{1}{T_{pi}} -\dfrac{k_{pi}}{T_{pi}R_{i}}) {\Delta{\dot {\theta}}}_{i} -
Positioning images and tables LATEX is an editing tool that takes care of the format so you only have to worry about the contents of your document. Nevertheless, sometimes a better control of floating elements is necessary. This article explains how
问题 H: Planar map 时间限制: 1 Sec 内存限制: 128 MB提交: 24 解决: 22[提交][状态][讨论版] 题目描述 Tigher has work for a long time in a famous company.One day she is given a planar map(look at the following) and a point.The planar map can be regarded as a polygon.The planar