这一节我们将flow table flow table主要由ovs-ofctl命令操作 ovs-ofctl可以走和openflow controller一样的协议: ssl:ip[:port]: The specified SSL port (default: 6633) on the host at the given ip, which must be expressed as an IP address (not a DNS name). The −−private−key, −−cert
Matching Fields in_port=port Matches OpenFlow port port dl_vlan=vlan Matches IEEE 802.1q Virtual LAN tag vlan. dl_vlan_pcp=priority Matches IEEE 802.1q Priority Code Point (PCP) priority, which is specified as a value between 0 and 7, inclusive. A hi
昨天晚上第一次翻译了<20 Command Line Tools to Monitor Linux Performance>中的前十个命令,翻译得不是很好,今天晚上继续把后面的十个也翻译给大家吧,第一次写博客,写的不是特别的好,希望大家不要介意,也希望大家觉得有什么不对的地方能够多多指教,毕竟小弟还是初学者.下面我们开始学习下面十个命令吧!
Introduction Since the beginning of July 2012, OISF team is able to access to a server where one interface is receivingsome mirrored real European traffic. When reading "some", think between 5Gbps and 9.5Gbpsconstant traffic. With that traffic,