4.3增加了不少2D功能,然后实在没有找到有人分享,在国外查资料研究一下午然后给个简单的教程 ================================================================================= 今天我要说的是SpriteRenderer,这个在U3D的2D模式非常有用,现在就来说下怎么修改颜色 using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; //-----------------
var radio_types = document.getElementsByName("radio_type"); for (var i = 0; i < radio_types.length; i++) { if (radio_types[i].value == _type) { $("#"+radio_types[i].id).prop("checked",true); //不添加下面的代码上面行代码不起作用 layui.use([
Ok, so I'm sorry but most of these answers are incomplete or have some minor bug in them. The very complete answer from @austyn-mahoney is correct and the source for this answer, but it's complicated and you probably just want to style a switch. 'Sty