在执行一个简单的sql查询,表中数据量为14万 sql语句为:SELECT id,titile,published_at from spider_36kr_record where is_analyze=0 ORDER BY create_time DESC LIMIT 10;开始的时候很快,但后面sql语句查询越来越慢 .开始查找问题原因:1. 执行explain 发现没毛病,正常走了索引 2. 执行SHOW PROFILES 查出Query_ID后在执行 show profile for q
-- 问题1 tablename使用主键索引反而比idx_ref_id慢的原因EXPLAIN SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(id) FROM dbname.tbname FORCE INDEX (idx_ref_id)EXPLAIN SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(id) FROM dbname.tbname FORCE INDEX (PRIMARY) 原因:可以看到走主键索引的时候效率比较差.那么是为什么呢.平时我们检索一列的时候,基本上等值或范围查询
In this short article, I'll show you how to send data to a website from a C# application using GET or POST method. The tutorial also includes how to receive data from a website, by getting the page's source - so it's a neat way to check if the everyt
原因:select a into b from table:当查询出来的a没有数据时,这个时候就会抛出这个异常:ORA-01403:no data found 解决方法: 先定义一个整形变量,countA,增加一个count(*)即使没有找到数据,也会返回0,而不是null;然后再判断countA是否大于0,如果大于0,则再执行上面的语句 declare countA integer :=0; select count(*) into countA from table; if countA>0
摘自:http://www.xunway.com/info/post/499.asp 昨天小编的一个客户在在利用phpmyadmin导入大sql文件的时候,总是提示错误,反应给小编,小编也是第一次遇到这样的问题,咨询了一些同行,总结如下供大家参考下 phpmyadmin导入数据库时提示: You probably tried to upload too large file. Please refer to documentation for ways to workaround t
问题描述如下: hbase(main)::> list TABLE ERROR: Can't get master address from ZooKeeper; znode data == null Here is some help for this command: List all tables in hbase. Optional regular expression parameter could be used to filter the output. Examples: hba