IBM AIX上 select返回值的 man if a connect-based socket is specified in the readlist parameter and the connection disconnects, the select subroutine returns successfully,but the recv subroutine on the socket will return a value of 0 to indicate the socke
Lots of Unixes have some form of 'loopback' mounts, where you can mount a bit of an existing filesystem somewhere else; they're called loopback mounts by analogy with the loopback interface. The general idea behind them is that they are a more effici
转载: recv函数 int recv( SOCKET s, char FAR *buf, int len, int flags); 不论是客户还是服务器应用程序都用recv函数从TCP连接的另一端接收数据.该函数的第一个参数指定接收端套接字描述符: 第二个参数指明一个缓冲区,该缓冲区用来存放recv函数接收到的数据: 第三个参数指明buf的长度: 第四个参数一般置0. 这里只描述同步Soc
Linux下Socket编程的端口问题( Bind error: Address already in use ) 在进行linux网络编程时,每次修改了源代码并再次编译运行时,常遇到下面的地使用错误: Bind error: Address already in use 虽然用Ctrl+C强制结束了进程,但错误依然存在,用netstat -an |grep 5120和ps aux |grep 5120都还能看到刚才用Ctrl+C“强制结束”了的进程,端口还是使用中,只好每次用kill结束进程,