如题所示,代码如下: var arJsonNesting = [{id:1,name:"zhang3" ,children:[{id:2,name:"zhang33"},{id:3,name:"zhang44"}]} ,{id:4,name:"li4"}];//注意有的JSON对象有子对象children var arJson = new Array(); function refining(arJsonNesting,arJ
Question: What is the difference from NULL and "0"? Example: return NULL; return 0; Answer: Conceptually, zero (0) is a number, and NULL is a value that represents "no value". As such, 0 can be added, subtracted, etc., but NULL cannot.
当变量为'',false,null,undefined,0,NaN时,返回默认值 var a='' a || 'hello world' "hello world" var a=false a || 'ccc' "ccc" var a=null a || 'ccc' "ccc" var a=undefined a || 'ccc' "ccc" 0 || 'ccc' "ccc" NaN || 'c
mysql int类型字段插入空字符串时自动转为0 如果不想转的话可以修改配置文件 修改 my.ini 文件. # Set the SQL mode to strictsql-mode=”STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION” 改为: # Set the SQL mode to strictsql-mode=”NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION”