做前端有多年了,看过不少技术文章,学了新的技术,但更新迭代快的大前端,庞大的知识库,很多学过就忘记了,特别在项目紧急的条件下,哪怕心中隐隐约约有学过一个方法,但会下意识的使用旧的方法去解决,多年前ES5几个新增的数组方法,好用但是常忘记用,趁着这周比较清闲,重温下并做下笔记,养成记笔记的好习惯. forEach map filter some every reduce reduceRight forEach forEach是ES5的Array方法中用得最频繁的一个,就是遍历,循环输出,它接受一个
转载:https://useyourloaf.com/blog/swift-guide-to-map-filter-reduce/ Using map, filter or reduce to operate on Swift collection types such as Array or Dictionary is something that can take getting used to. Unless you have experience with functional lang
To add up all the numbers in a list, you can use a loop like this: Total is initialized to 0. Each time through the loop, x gets one element from the list. the += operator provides a short way to update a variable: Total += x is equivalent to: total
Basic Python : Map, Filter, Reduce, Zip 1-Map() 1.1 Syntax # fun : a function applying to the iterable object # iterable : such as list, tuple, string and other iterable object map(fun, *iterable) # * token means that multi iterables is supported 1.2
JS中的 map, filter, some, every, forEach, for in, for of 用法总结和区别 :https://blog.csdn.net/hyupeng1006/article/details/79877710 本文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/hyupeng1006/article/details/79877710函数简述:map():返回一个新的Array,每个元素为调用func的结果filter():返回符合func条件的元素数组fi