这篇文档描述了可用的配置选项. 如果你使用默认的加载器,你必须创建 celeryconfig.py 模块并且保证它在python路径中. 配置文件示例 以下是配置示例,你可以从这个开始.它包括运行一个基本Celery应用的所有基础设置. ## Broker settings. broker_url = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//' # List of modules to import when the Celery worker starts. i
关于threadPoolKey默认值的疑问 使用SpingCloud必然会用到Hystrix做熔断降级,也必然会用到@HystrixCommand注解,@HystrixCommand注解可以配置的除了常用的groupKey.commandKey.fallbackMethod等,还有一个很关键的就是threadPoolKey,就是使用Hystrix线程隔离策略时的线程池Key /** * This annotation used to specify some methods which shou
http://www.mchange.com/projects/c3p0/ c3p0的配置参数preferredTestQuery用于检测数据库连接测试,检测数据库是否能连接成功. Default: null Defines the query that will be executed for all connection tests, if the default ConnectionTester (or some other implementation of QueryConnectio
1.查出该字段的约束名称 SELECT c.name FROM sysconstraints a INNER JOIN syscolumns b on a.colid=b.colid INNER JOIN sysobjects c on a.constid=c.id WHERE a.id=object_id('TClass') AND b.name='PhoneIsOpen' 2.删除该约束 ALTER TABLE TClass DROP CONSTRAINT DF__TClass__Phone
ng-options一般有以下用法: 数组作为数据源: label for value in array select as label for value in array label group by group for value in array label disable when disable for value in array label group by group for value in array track by trackexpr label disable whe