在进行Git密钥配置时,总是提示: “The form contains the following errors:Key is invalidFingerprint cannot be generated” 如下图: 查找了不少资料,大部分说粘贴的字符与实际生成的不一致,例如windows环境下,如果有换行习惯带"\r\n",去除即可.几次尝试都不可以. 最后发现是粘贴的内容有问题,只黏贴了密钥,没有前贴前面的“ssh-rsa” 和后面的邮箱. 谨记:要粘贴pub密钥里面的所有内容(
官方:https://www.ssh.com/ssh/ The SSH protocol uses encryption to secure the connection between a client and a server. All user authentication, commands, output, and file transfers are encrypted to protect against attacks in the network. 密钥类型包括rsa和dsa,