JavaWeb EL表达式 key为 Map取不到值 因为JSTL会把Integer,Byte,Short,Charactor都转成Long,这样就取不到值. 参见StackOverFlow的回答 EL access a map value by Integer key 解决办法: 当后台传出一个Map<Integer,String> JSP 不能通过map[item.key]取出, 要么把Map改成Map<Long,String> 要么重新从数据库的查询结果里传入新的值, ne
Map生成器 map适配器如今能够使用各种不同的Generator,iterator和常量值的组合来填充Map初始化对象 package; /** * map生成器 * @author lenovo * */ public class Pair<K,V> { public final K key; public final V value; public Pair(K k,V v) { this.key=k; this.value=v; } }
Most crossword puzzle fans are used to anagrams - groups of words with the same letters in different orders - for example OPTS, SPOT, STOP, POTS and POST. Some words however do not have this attribute, no matter how you rearrange their letters, you c