spring boot集成mybatis-plus插件进行自定义sql方法开发时报nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingException: Invalid bound statement (not found): Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [/boot] threw exception [Request proc
一直以为在使用thinkjs时,只能是它自带的sql语句查询,当遇到类似于这样的sql语句时,却不知道这该怎样来写程序,殊不知原来thinkjs可以执行自定义sql语句 SELECT * from adinfo WHERE 1481286720 BETWEEN stime AND etime OR (1481297520 BETWEEN stime AND etime) model.query(...args) •return {Promise} //指定 SQL 语句执行查询. 相当于: le
在编写自定义SQL的时候需要注意 @Query 注解只能用来查询,想要进行添加.修改和删除操作需要配合 @Modifying 注解一同使用 @Modifying @Query("update AdminUser set username=:#{#adminUser.username},password=:#{#adminUser.password} where id=:#{#adminUser.id}") int updateInfoById(@Param("adminUse
代码如下: 先创建一个Provider类: public class RptEbankFsymtTranflowingProvider { public String select(String orgId, String startDate, String endDate, String merId) { String sql = "select * from RPT_EBANK_FSYMT_TRANFLOWING where 1=1"; if (orgId != null) { s
<select id=selectByNameLike" parameterType="string" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> SELECT * FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON a.bid = b.id WHERE a.NAME LIKE concat ("%", #{name},"%") <select>