) Declare @TID int DECLARE Temp_Cursor1 Cursor--定义游标 FOR SELECT Name FROM Sys_Entity OPEN Temp_Cursor1 FETCH Temp_Cursor1 INTO @Name BEGIN select @TID=id from [sysobjects] where [type] = 'u' and [name]=@Name print (@TID) BEGIN exec('update Sys_Entity
quarkspwdump作者介绍的用法: 1. Windows 2008 Microsoft recently implements VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) which allow an administrator to make filesystem snapshots while the operating is running and writing to current backuped files. Here is
NPOI(C#)DataTable导出execl using NPOI.HSSF.UserModel; using NPOI.SS.UserModel; using NPOI.XSSF.UserModel; using System; using NPOI.SS.Util; namespace Common { /// <summary> /// 使用NPOI操作Excel,无需Office COM组件 /// </summary> public class ExcelHelper