在Matlab中,这几个函数区分如下: (以下默认S1和S2是字符串,同样也适用于cell细胞类型数据,也就是循环对cell中每个元素分别判断即可.) findstr(S1,S2):寻找是否有S1和S2之间的匹配,真返回1,假返回0,双向: 例: s = 'How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?'; findstr(s,'a') returns 21 findstr('
matlab有两个生成直方图的库函数,分别是imhist和histogram,二者有何区别呢? 区别就是: imhist 官方help:imhist(I) calculates the histogram for the intensity image I and displays a plot of the histogram. The number of bins in the histogram is determined by the image type. 可见,imhist的NumB
创建表 创建内表 create table customer( customerId int, firstName string, lastName STRING, birstDay timestamp ) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' 创建外表 CREATE EXTERNAL table salaries( gender string, age int , salary DOUBLE, zip int )row format del