Mathematics One-Dimensional Interpolation There are two kinds of one-dimensional interpolation in MATLAB: Polynomial interpolation FFT-based interpolation Polynomial Interpolation The function interp1 performs one-dimensional interpolation, an im
贝塞尔曲线绘图方法: %Program 3.7 Freehand Draw Program Using Bezier Splines %Click in Matlab figure window to locate first point, and click % three more times to specify 2 control points and the next % spline point. Continue with groups of 3 points to add mor
1.最小二乘原理 Matlab直接实现最小二乘法的示例: close x = 1:1:100; a = -1.5; b = -10; y = a*log(x)+b; yrand = y + 0.5*rand(1,size(y,2)); %%最小二乘拟合 xf=log(x); yf=yrand; xfa = [ones(1,size(xf,2));xf] w = inv(xfa*xfa')*xfa*yf';%直接拟合得到的结果 参考资料: 1.