无类别,图像混合放置: clear close all addpath ./matlab model= './models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/deploy.prototxt'; weights= './models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel'; mean = load('./matlab/+caffe/imagenet/ilsvrc_2012_mean.mat'); net
Caffe+CUDA7.5+CuDNNv3+OpenCV3.0+Ubuntu14.04 配置参考文献 ---- Wang Xiao Warning: Please make sure the cuda is installed correctly, before you reboot your PC, or you may stucked and can not open your system. Check in your terminal: nvidia-smi If it shown
Caffe + CUDA8.0 + CuDNNv5.1 + OpenCV3.1 + Ubuntu14.04 配置参考文献 ---- Wang Xiao Anhui University CVPR Group 2017-05-27 Warning: Please make sure the cuda is installed correctly, before you reboot your PC, or you may stucked and can not open your sy
1. caffe matlab 接口提供了提取feature的脚本,但是由于中间要对这些图像进行RGB ---> BGR 的变换,卧槽,灰度图没有三通道啊?怎么破?从上午就在纠结怎么会跑着跑着程序就报错了,尼玛,坑啊... 如何解决这个问题 ?? ----------------------------------------------------------- 我把灰度图给扔了,谢谢! 2. If I use the color images mixed with gray images t
clc;clear; fileno=1; for i=1:fileno fid2=fopen('4B1T_wb_eq.txt','w'); %save data to 'logfile' in Matlab current working directory fid=fopen('4B1T_wb_eq.log','r'); %read NAMD log file fid=fopen([loadpath groupdir(i).name],'r'); while(~feof(fid)) newl=
利用edge()函数提取图像轮廓,绘制出对象的边界和提取边界坐标信息,matlab实现代码如下: close all;clear all;clc; % 提取图像轮廓,提取图像边缘 I = imread('yifu.jpg'); c = im2bw(I,graythresh(I)); figure; subplot(131);imshow(I); c = flipud(c); %实现矩阵c上下翻转 b = edge(c,'canny'); [u,v] = find(b); %返回边界矩阵b中非零元