peaks; axis tight %Set the axis limits to equal the range of the data axis square axis 'auto x' %x轴坐标上下限自动调整 axis off %Plot a surface without displaying the axes lines and background. set(gca,'Visible','off'); %消除坐标轴,显示范围的大小没有改变,同上句 %更多特性
更新 使用matlab2017b时,又报错, >> mex -setup 警告: Xcode is installed, but its license has not been accepted. Run Xcode and accept its license agreement. 错误使用 mex 未找到支持的编译器或 SDK.有关选项,请访问 解决办法: 打开文件 /Applications/MA
一.语法简介 plt.xlabel("销售月份",fontsize=16,color='red',fontweight='bold',loc='center',backgroundcolor='black', labelpad=10,rotation=1,alpha=1) '''fontsize 设置字体大小 默认值为12fontweight 设置字体粗细 color 设置字体颜色loc 设置标题对齐方式 具体值有center left right top bottombackgrou