一.源代码下载 代码最初来源于Github:https://github.com/vijayvee/Recursive-neural-networks-TensorFlow,代码介绍如下:“This repository contains the implementation of a single hidden layer Recursive Neural Network.Implemented in python using TensorFlow. Used the trained mode
本随笔记载与2019年1月23日,若随着技术发展,本随笔记录的困难被攻克也是可能的. 参考(https://www.reddit.com/r/docker/comments/86vzna/gpu_access_from_docker_container_windows_10/) Well you need to understand that direct access to the graphics card is done by a driver. If your host system i
2.Matlab调用Oracl带游标参数输出的存储过程 笔者也是将工作之中遇到的问题进行了搜集与整理,才完成该文的编写,希望能帮助到有需要的朋友. 2.1.PLSQL中的存储过程 PROCEDURE p_test_for_matlab(p_i IN VARCHAR2, p_cur OUT type_cur) IS BEGIN OPEN p_cur FOR SELECT * FROM mes_imp_operate_log d WHERE rownum <= p_i; END; 下面执行存储过程返
环境: VS2010 活动解决方案平台x64 WIN 8.1 Opencv 2.4.3 Matlab 2012a 1. 首先保证vs2010能正确调用opencv函数, 2. Matlab中选择编译器,操作如下: 打开matlab2012,输入mex –setup,出现如下提示: Welcome to mex -setup. This utility will help you set up a default compiler. For a list of supported comp