Directional Light:平行光源/方向性光源,用来模拟太阳光(角度只与旋转角度有关,与位置无关) Point Light:点光源,用来模拟灯泡,向四周发散光源 Spotlight:锥光源/聚光灯,用来模拟手电筒,灯塔等光源,向一个方向扩散性发散光源 Area Light:区域光,用于烘焙光照贴图,上面这三种光源可以用于实时渲染,也可以用于烘焙光照贴图 通过代码控制光源旋转.颜色.强度,可以做出24h光线变幻,日月轮转 ----Intensity光线强度,默认1,关闭0 ----Sha
1.显示茶壶点云 ptCloud = pcread('teapot.ply');figure(1)pcshow(ptCloud); title('Teapot'); 2.Create a transform object with 30 degree rotation along z -axis and translation [5,5,10]. 创建一个沿z轴旋转30度并平移的变换对象[5,5,10].A = [cos(pi/6) sin(pi/6) 0 0; ... -sin(pi/6) c
前言 JavaScript 3D library The aim of the project is to create an easy to use, lightweight, 3D library. The library provides <canvas>, <svg>, CSS3D and WebGL renderers.(该项目的目标是创建一个易于使用,轻量级的3D库.该库提供了<canvas>,<svg>,CSS3D和WebGL渲染器.) 示例
1. Views A view (an object whose class is UIView or a subclass of UIView) knows how to draw itself into a rectangular area of the interface. Your app has a visible interface thanks to views. (eg: you can drag an interface widget, such as a UIButton,
这个例子演示了如何使用QPainter的转换和缩放特性来简化绘图. 值得学习的: 定时器事件ID检查: 在定时器事件中检查定时器id是比较好的实践. QPainter抗锯齿: We call QPainter::setRenderHint() with QPainter::Antialiasing to turn on antialiasing. This makes drawing of diagonal lines much smoother. 画笔的平移/缩放: p->translate(