I am writing a python script from which I hope to call the Matlab anovan function. I have attempted a basic test of this feature on file test.txt. This file is imported as array data. In matlab, the anovan function would be called as follows: anovan(
1. 判断是否存在指定的video_name, 若不存在,则在给定save_path下,新建一个video_name文件夹: 1 sec_path = [save_path, video_name, '/']; 2 if ~exist(sec_path,'file') 3 mkdir([save_path, video_name]); 4 end 2. 将gpuArray转换为matlab可以保存的格式,如:uint8 等. if you save the gpuArray data direc
原创文章,转载请注明:八皇后问题-回溯法(MATLAB) By Lucio.Yang 1.问题描述 八皇后问题是十九世纪著名数学家高斯于1850年提出的.问题是:在8*8的棋盘上摆放8个皇后,使其不能互相攻击,即任意的两个皇后不能处在同意行,同一列,或同意斜线上. 2.matlab代码 function PlaceQueen(row,stack,N)%回溯法放置皇后 if row>N PrintQueen(N,stack);%打印棋盘 else for col=1:N stack(row)=co
转自:http://matlabbyexamples.blogspot.com/2011/03/starting-with-neural-network-in-matlab.html The neural networks is a way to model any input to output relations based on some input output data when nothing is known about the model. This example shows