matlab 画图进阶 applications of matlab in engineering 图表类型的选择 first:advanced 2d plots special plots loglog graph with logarithmic scales for both axes 对数图形 semilogx graph with a logarithmic scale for the x-axis and a linear scale for the y-axis s
转自: AJAX请求时status返回状态明细表 readyState的五种状态2010-03-04 18:24对于readyState的五种状态的描述或者说定义,很多Ajax书(英文原版)中大都语焉不详 在<Pragmatic Ajax A Web 2.0 Primer >中偶然看到对readyStae状态的介绍,感觉这个介绍很实在…… 比较理想的解释方法应该以“状态:任务(目标)+过程+表现(或特征
using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters; using System.Collections; namespace HuaTong.General.Utility { /// <summary> //
当变量为'',false,null,undefined,0,NaN时,返回默认值 var a='' a || 'hello world' "hello world" var a=false a || 'ccc' "ccc" var a=null a || 'ccc' "ccc" var a=undefined a || 'ccc' "ccc" 0 || 'ccc' "ccc" NaN || 'c