Eclipse安装好m2e插件,使用Maven构建项目后,启动web项目就行就非常简单了,你不再需要下载然后在eclipse中配置tomcat. 右键你的项目 -> Run As -> Run Configurations... 双击左侧的Maven Build,会出现一个New_configuration Name改成自己想要的名字,Browse Workspace选择要启动的web项目,Goals填写tomcat:run Apply并Run即可.首次执行按如上设置,以后执行按如下图操作启动
背景(Background): 我将一个IDEA的maven web项目clone到本地,并导入到Eclipse中. I imported a MAVEN WEB project which was created by IDEA to Eclipse. 出现的问题: 无法将导入的项目加入到Tomcat 容器中Imported project cannot be added to the Tomcat container.解决方案:右击项目->属性->Project facets->勾
目录 Maven项目启动失败:class path resource [spring/] cannot be resolved to URL because it does not exist 解决方法1 解决方法2 Maven项目启动失败:class path resource [spring/] cannot be resolved to URL because it does not exist 解决方法1 在pom.xml中加入 <build> <resources> &l
在maven web项目中的index.jsp中的错误信息如下: The superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" was not found on the Java Build Path 从错误信息可以看出来,找不到该类,也就是说找不到相应jar包. 所以解决方法就是引用相应jar包即可. 前提: 需要设置Server Runtime, Window -> Perferences -> Server -> Runtime
项目启动报了一堆错误,其实都是class path resource [com/ssm/mapping/] cannot be resolved to URL because it does not exist这一个错误引起的 原来的session工厂的配置是这样写的 <bean id="sqlSessionFactory" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean"> <property na