Installing the Metasploit Framework on Windows 1. Visit to download the Windows installer. Installation 4 2. After you download the installer, locate the file and double-click the installer
[Installing Metasploit Framework on CentOS_RHEL 6]在CentOS_RHEL 6上安装Metasploit的框架[翻译] 标记声明:蓝色汉子为翻译上段英文内容,黄色文字为执行命令.英文水平有限,如有疏漏还请指出.文章出处 博客园-初行 All command in the guide need to be ran as root. To switch to root and have all the proper variables run: 在本
以前编写的inno setup脚本,涵盖了自定义安装界面,调用dll等等应用 (转) ; Script generated by the Inno Setup 脚本向导. ; SEE THE DOCUMENTATION FOR DETAILS ON CREATING INNO SETUP SCRIPT FILES! ; 为1的时候表示定义成试用版本 #define VERSION_TYPE ReadIni('Setup.ini', 'SetupType', 'type', '0') #if VE
接上一篇自定义安装界面,这篇继续探索,首先介绍下,Wix为我们定义了五种风格,每种风格的UI都是有一定顺序的.我们可以改变安装顺序,也可以完全自定义一个Dialog插入其中.比如Wix_Mondo 风格的顺序就如下,但不一定每个dialog会在安装的时候展示. BrowseDlg CustomizeDlg DiskCostDlg LicenseAgreementDlg SetupTypeDlg WelcomeDlg In addition, WixUI_Mondo includes the fo