just run a GUI in VM console window First, log in to the VM in its console window (i.e. type directly into the VM window without using ssh) and make sure apt is up to date: sudo apt-get update Then, install the desktop environment of your choice. sud
问题:安装oracle11g时出现xhost: unable to open display "".打不开图形化界面等. 终极解决方法:1.使用Xmanager中xshell登陆到要安装oracle服务的主机上的root用户: 2.关键的第一步:设置DISPLAY环境变量为登陆机器的IP地址(注意:这里你本机windows的IP地址,即你的xmanager的安装主机,我本机的IP是10.10.11.16):# export DISPLAY=10.10.