liunx下tomcat启动 Cannot find ./ 2013-08-23 11:50 1521人阅读 评论(0) 收藏 举报 Cannot find ./catalina.shThe file is absent or does not have execute permission This file is needed to run this program 没有给bin目录下的文件授权可执行权限: chmod +x bin/*.sh
执行启动tomcat命令./ 提示 Cannot find ./ The file is absent or does not have execute permission This file is needed to run this program 问题原因:没有给bin目录下的文件授权可执行权限: chmod +x bin/*.sh 然后用sh startup.sh启动成功
前几天在客户现场,配置一台系统为redhat 6.0的服务器,这台服务器是IBM x3755,系统是预装的.在把服务器的IP地址配置完成后,使用命令不能启动网卡.提示:弹出界面 eht0:错误:激活链接失败:Device not managed by NetworkManagerredhat 6还没怎么深入研究过,对NetworkManager也不怎么了解,一直都没有太关注是这个服务有什么问题,但是我无论怎么修改配置网卡都启动不了.最后尝试关闭NetworkManager这个服务,再启动网卡,反