1.下载MongoDB 2.安装MongoDB(安装到/usr/local下) .tgz mongodb cd mongodb mkdir db mkdir logs cd bin vi mongodb.conf 把下面的代码复制到mongodb.conf中,保存1 dbpath = /usr/local/mongodb/db logpath = /usr/local/mongodb/logs/mongodb.log port = fork = true nohttpinterface=true
CentOS 配置的开机自启动. vim /etc/rc.local #!/bin/sh # # This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts. # You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't # want to do the full Sys V style init stuff. touch /var/lock/subsys/lo
原文地址:http://www.2cto.com/os/201306/220559.html 我的一个Centos开机自启动脚本的制作 一.切换到/etc/init.d/ 二.制作sh脚本 vi andy.sh [plain] #!/bin/sh #add for chkconfig #chkconfig: 2345 70 30 #description: the description of the shell #关于脚本的简短描述 #processname
[1] 更改/etc/oratab # This file is used by ORACLE utilities. It is created by root.sh # and updated by the Database Configuration Assistant when creating # a database. # A colon, ':', is used as the field terminator. A new line terminates # the entry.
修改redis.conf,打开后台运行选项: # By default Redis does not run as a daemon. Use 'yes' if you need it. # Note that Redis will write a pid file in /var/run/redis.pid when daemonized. daemonize yes 编写脚本,vim /etc/init.d/redis: # chkconfig: 2345 10 90 # descripti