原文:Wix学习整理(3)--关于Windows Installer和MSI 关于Windows Installer Windows Installer是微软Windows操作系统自带的一个软件安装和配置服务,其实现了软件安装的业务逻辑:如何安装软件?如何修改注册表键值?如何创建快捷方式?如何操作网站目录或注册服务?等等.Windows Installer技术由两部分组成:客户端安装程序服务(Msiexec.exe)和Microsoft软件安装包文件(MSI). 关于MSI Windows In
Original link: Where does Windows store MSI files for uninstallation? Following content are only used for knowledge sharing. Please reprint from the original link. ^^ Apparently it works like this (On Windows 7, I do not know about XP and other OSes