user credentials are wrong url to server is wrong user does not have access to the deployment repository user does not have access to the specific repository target artifact is already deployed with that version if it is a release (not -SNAPSHOT vers
关于-N -N,--non-recursive Do not recurse into sub-projects 意思是,不递归到子项目(子模块). 举例: 一个父项目下Father面有3个子项目A.B.C,都生成jar包,则有Father.jar.A.jar.B.jar.C.jar;这个时候A项目依赖了B.C项目. 此时如果使用mvn clean install -N,则只会把Father.jar安装到本地仓库(~/.m2/repository),而不会安装其他三个包 造成的问题是,如果你此时
QA: Failed to deploy artifacts from/to snapshots XX Failed to transfer file Return code is: 405, ReasonPhrase:Method Not Allowed. Solution: maven目录conf的setting.xml里, <server> <id>releases</id> <username>admin</username> <p