重新进行启动数据库的时候报错: SQL> startup nomount; ORA-15124: ASM file name '+KEL/ipap/controlfile/control02.ctl'' contains an invalid alias name 由于是启动到nomount阶段,此时只有spfile文件起作用,从而是因为spfile文件里的参数设置出错,从而导致错误 检查之后,发现参数设置错误: SQL> alter system set control_files='+KE
在使用Navicat for MySQl访问远程mysql数据库,出现报错,显示“1130 - Host'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server“.解决办法如下: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'root' WITH GRANT OPTION 把他运行一下就行了.
django2.0+连接mysql数据库迁移时候报错 情况一 错误信息 django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: mysqlclient 1.3.13 or newer is required; you have 0.9.3. 解决办法 去到\python\lib\site-packages\django\db\backends\mysql\base.py" 把里面的注释掉 # if version < (1, 3, 13): # raise
IDEA中写MyBatis的xml配置文件编译报错的坑 说明:用IDEA编译工具在项目中使用Mybatis框架,编写mybatis-config.xml和Mapper.xml配置文件时,编译项目出现错误,错误提示为: xml中1字节的UTF-8序列的字节1无效 The cause of this is a file that is not UTF-8 is being parsed as UTF-8. It is likely that the parser is encountering a
Spark程序编译报错: [INFO] Compiling 2 source files to E:\Develop\IDEAWorkspace\spark\target\classes at 1567004370534[ERROR] E:\Develop\IDEAWorkspace\spark\src\main\scala\cn\itcast\wordCount\WordCount.scala:3: error: object apache is not a member of package
运行netcore2.2程序是报错 C:\myself\WuZhui\WuZhui\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.2>dotnet WuZhui.DLLError: An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (WuZhui.deps.json) has already been found but with a different file extension: package: 'WuZhui
如下图,当postgresql安装成功,建立好数据库scm,rman,amon之后,添加cm对应服务报错hadoopNode2没有相应数据库: No database server found running on host hadoopNode2. 错误原因: 在客户端访问PostgreSQL数据库时,PostgreSQL会读取文件pg_hba.conf判断是否信任该主机,故所有需要连接PostgreSQL Server的主机都应当在pg_hba.conf中添加对其信任,即使是Server主机