Mybatis中传参包There is no getter for property named 'XXX' in 'class java.lang.String' 一.发现问题 <select id="queryStudentByNum" resultType="student" parameterType="string"> select num,name,phone from student <where> <
最开始是使用matplotlib这个包,然后在pycharm中失败,然后在终端中pip install matplotlib,发现,安装了以后,pycharm依然找不到包. 代码如下: import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt num_points = 1000 vectors_set = [] for i in range(num_points): x1 = np.random.norm
# coding=utf8# date = 2019/12/23 19:54# 清白丶之年__照林""" # Solve Import Lib Error Add Some Path To Python Path""" import osimport sys class PythonPath: def add_lib_to_path(self, lib_path): with os.popen(r'where python', 'r') as f