MySQL中别名的使用 为数据列或者表达式起别名时,别名紧跟数据列,中间以空格隔开,或者用关键字as隔开. #为表达式起别名 使用as关键字隔开 as T_ID from teacher_table; #为表达式起别名 使用空格隔开 T_ID from teacher_table; 为列起别名,可以改变列的标题头,用于表示计算结果的具体含义.如果列别名中使用特殊字符(例如空格),或需要强制大小写敏感,都可以通过为别名添加双引号来实现.
Update中使用表别名 select中的表别名: select * from TableA as ta update中的表别名: update ta from TableA as ta 如何用表中一列值替换另一列的所有值 不同表列替换: update ta set ta.key1 = tb.key2 from TableA as ta, TableB as tb where ta.key = tb.key 同一表列替换: update ta set ta.key1 = tb.key2 from
有一个表的数据比较大,然后需要进行关联删除,删除的时候发现如下SQL报错:ELETE FROM test.test1 a WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM test.test2 b WHERE a.recordID=b.smsInfoID AND b.receiveTime <="2011-10-09 00:00:00" ) limit 1000;报错如下:Error Code: 1064You have an error in your SQL synta
To facilitate the use of code written for SQL implementations from other vendors, MySQL maps data types as shown in the following table. These mappings make it easier to import table definitions from other database systems into MySQL. Other Vendor Ty
mysql8.0.16操作记录 2.1.登录 -uroot -p'AnvcTMagdLarwNV3CKaC' mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id Server version: MySQL Community
今天删除数据,写了这么条sql语句, DELETE from sys_menus s WHERE s.MENU_ID in (86,87,88); 结果报错.. [Err] 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's WHERE s.MENU_ID
原文地址: 今天删除数据,写了这么条sql语句, DELETE from sys_menus s WHERE s.MENU_ID in (86,87,88); 结果报错.. [Err] 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server versi
本文为博主原创,未经允许不得转载: 根据平常的习惯,个人会将操作的表后面添加一个别名,无论是使用还是不使用的时候,均是为了 修改还是扩展sql的时候更加安全,方便,快捷. 今天在写删除的sql时,对表添加了别名,就一直报错: 当我去除表的别名时就可以了. 于是总结了一下删除sql的注意事项及删除表中别名的使用等. 1.删除sql的语法: DELETE FROM 表名称 WHERE 列名称 = 值例如: DELETE from TBL_CAMERA_MONTH_ONLINE_STAT where