数据库数据的导入和导出受secure_file_priv配置项影响#限制导入导出,null时无法进行数据的导入导出,空时不限制,设置了目录则只能对该目录下的文件进行导入导出show variables like "secure_file_priv" 查看#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#导出: 语法: SELECT ... INTO OUTFIL
数据导入 作用:把文件系统里的内容导入到数据库表中. 语法: mysql> load data infile "文件名" into table 表名 fields terminated by "分隔符" lines terminated by "\n"; mysql> load data local infile "文件名" into table 表名 fields terminated by "分隔符&
方法一:进入到mysql的控制台,输入: 1. SELECT * INTO OUTFILE ‘./test.xls‘ FROM tb1 WHERE 1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0, 50; 这样,应该会在你的mysql的var/目录下产生一个test.xls的文件...但是如果你的shell的登录帐户和mysql的运行账户不同,很可能这个方法就不适用了,因为你可以通过mysql控制台来产生这个文件,但是你却没有办法通过shell来对这个文件进行操作,因为用户不同,没有访问
Creating database dumps Most of the normal tools will work, although their usage might be a little convoluted in some cases to ensure they have access to the mysqld server. A simple way to ensure this is to use docker exec and run the tool from the s