- PK: primary key (column is part of a pk) 主键- NN: not null (column is nullable) 是否为空 (非空)- UQ: unique (column is part of a unique key) 唯一索引 (外键)- AI: auto increment (the column is auto incremented when rows are inserted) 自动增加- BIN: binary (if dt is
PK Belongs to primary key作为主键 NN Not Null非空 UQ Unique index不能重复 BIN Is binary column存放二进制数据的列 UN Unsigned data type无符号数据类型(需要整数形数据) ZF Fill up values for that column with 0's if it is numeric填充0位(例如指定3位小数,整数18就会变成18.000) AI Auto Incremental自
mysql workbench 建表时 - PK: primary key (column is part of a pk) 主键 - NN: not null (column is nullable) 非空 - UQ: unique (column is part of a unique key) 唯一 - AI: auto increment (the column is auto incremented when rows are inserted) 自增 - BIN: binary (i
mysql workbench建表时PK.NN.UQ.BIN.UN.ZF.AI的意思,后面几个老搞不清,随记在这便于以后方便查. [intrinsic column flags] (基本字段类型标识)- PK: primary key (column is part of a pk) 主键- NN: not null (column is nullable) 非空- UQ: unique (column is part of a unique key) 唯一- AI: auto incremen
[转自网络]https://my.oschina.net/cers/blog/292191 PK Belongs to primary key 作为主键 NN Not Null 非空 UQ Unique index 不能重复 BIN Is binary column 存放二进制数据的列 UN Unsigned data type 无符号数据类型(需要整数形数据) ZF Fill up values for that column with 0's if it is numeric 填充0位(例如
1. [intrinsic column flags] (基本字段类型标识) - PK: primary key (column is part of a pk) 主键 - NN: not null (column is nullable) 非空 - UQ: unique (column is part of a unique key) 唯一 - AI: auto increment (the column is auto incremented when rows are inserted)
普通增删改查 表结构及数据都极其简单,命名也及其不讲究.均为默认配置,mysql表默认InnoDB引擎.表x包含三个int字段a b c,100W条数据均a=1 b=2 c=3 sql语句 建表: create table x (a int, b int, c int); 插入数据(从文本中导入): -- mysqlload data local infile "data.txt" into table x;-- pgcopy x from ‘data.txt’; 查询数据 ; 更新数
被复制节点: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm:// >/dev/null &复制节点01: service mysql start --wsrep_cluster_address="gcomm://,"复制节点02: service mysql start --wsrep_cluster_address="gc