最近开始学习python,听大家说python很强大,可以作为脚本语言,支持面向对象.面向过程编程,兼具编译性和解释性的一门动态语言.作为一名程序员有必要掌握这一门强大的"胶水语言".最近回顾了下,纪录一下运算符的优先级顺序,以下运算符的优先级依次递增: 运算符 Lambda #运算优先级最低 逻辑运算符: or 逻辑运算符: and 逻辑运算符:not 成员测试: in, not in 同一性测试: is, is not 比较: <,<=,>,>=,!=,==
Operator precedences are shown in the following list, from highest precedence to the lowest. Operators that are shown together on a line have the same precedence. INTERVALBINARY, COLLATE!- (unary minus), ~ (unary bit inversion)^*, /, DIV, %, MOD-, +<