表结构和表数据就不公示了,查询的表user_role,主键是id,每条记录有parentid字段; 如下mysql查询函数即可实现根据一个节点查询所有的子节点,根据一个子节点查询所有的父节点.对于数据量较大的时候(我这里测试的1万条左右).查询效率非常慢.建议在java代码中进行处理. CREATE FUNCTION `getChildList`(rootId INT) ) BEGIN ); ); SET sChildTemp =cast(rootId as CHAR); WHILE sChil
包含mysql 递归查询父节点 和子节点 mysql递归查询,查父集合,查子集合 查子集合 --drop FUNCTION `getChildList` CREATE FUNCTION `getChildList`(rootId varchar()) RETURNS varchar() BEGIN DECLARE str varchar(); DECLARE cid varchar(); SET str = '$'; SET cid = rootId; WHILE cid is not null
根据id查询父节点,具体需要修改的地方笔者已在注释中给大家作了注解 DELIMITER $$ USE `yjlc_platform`$$ -- getCompanyParent 为函数名 DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `getCompanyParent`$$ -- getCompanyParent 为函数名 rootId为参数,可以自定义:初学者可以不用更改 )) ) CHARSET utf8 BEGIN ); ); SET ptemp = '#'; SET ctemp = r
查父集合 --drop FUNCTION `getParentList` )) ) BEGIN ) default ''; ) default rootId; WHILE rootId is not null do SET fid =(SELECT parentid FROM treeNodes WHERE id = rootId); IF fid is not null THEN SET str = concat(str, ',', fid); SET rootId = fid; ELSE S
03-树1. List Leaves (25) Given a tree, you are supposed to list all the leaves in the order of top down, and left to right. Input Specification: Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line gives a positive integer N (<=10) wh