今天发现 批量插入下,自增主键不连续了....... InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT Lock Modes This section describes the behavior of AUTO_INCREMENT lock modes used to generate auto-increment values, and how each lock mode affects replication. Auto-increment lock modes are configured
In this lesson, you will learn how to check whether or not a property value satisfies a particular rule. For this purpose, the DemoTask.Status property and the MarkCompleted Action will be used. This action should not be executed if the current task
This lesson explains how to set rules for business classes and their properties. These rules are validated when an end-user executes a specified operation. This lesson will guide you through implementation of a rule that requires that the Position.Ti
This lesson explains how to set rules for business classes and their properties. These rules are validated when an end-user executes a specified operation. This lesson will guide you through implementation of a rule that requires that the Position.Ti
1.表中有A B C三列,用SQL语句实现:当A列大于B列时选择A列否则选择B列,当B列大于C列时选择B列否则选择C列. select (case when a>b then a else b end),(case when b>c then b else c end) from table; 2.关于Case的解释如下: Case Statement CASE 表达式 WHEN 条件1 THEN 返回值1 WHEN 条件2 THEN 返回值2...WHEN 条件n THEN 返回值nELSE
语法解释: $("#select_id").change(function(){//code...}); //为Select添加事件,当选择其中一项时触发 var checkText=$("#select_id").find("option:selected").text(); //获取Select选择的Text var checkValue=$("#select_id").val(); //获取Select选择的Value