date_format(date,'%H') = 8 and date_format(date,'%i') = 30 SELECT * FROM `t_pda_trucklog` WHERE DATE_FORMAT(operatetime,'%H') = 9 AND DATE_FORMAT(operatetime,'%i') = 42 AND DATE_FORMAT(operatetime,'%s') = 12
在mysql中查询不区分大小写重复的数据,往往会用到子查询,并在子查询中使用upper函数来将条件转化为大写.如: select * from staticcatalogue WHERE UPPER(Source) IN (SELECT UPPER(Source) FROM staticcatalogue GROUP BY UPPER(Source) having count(UPPER(Source))>1) ORDER BY upper(Source) DESC; 这条语句的执行效率是非常低
用 sql 获取一段时间内的数据: SELECT * FROM EDI.edi_history WHERE timestampdiff(day, SYSDATE(), create_time_loc) <= AND timestampdiff(day, SYSDATE(), create_time_loc) >= ; SELECT * FROM 表名 WHERE timestampdiff(MINUTE, SYSDATE(), send_time) <= AND timestampdif
24小时内记录(即86400秒) $sql="SELECT video_id,count(id)as n FROM `rec_down` WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(add_time)<=86400 group by video_id order by n desc ";$sql="select,a.title,b.n from video_info a,(".$sql.")b wh
问题描述 查询数据库表中最近7天的记录 select count(*),date(create_time) as date from task where datediff(now(),create_time)<=6 group by day(create_time); 但是发现某一天没有数据,结果中没有显示当天(2017-08-28)的数据 解决思路 思路一: 可以在自己的程序中做额外的补零处理 思路二: 构建一个最近七天的结果集,然后和查询的结果集合做left join(本文采用第二种方式)
select * from wap_content where week(created_at) = week(now) 如果你要严格要求是某一年的,那可以这样 查询一天: select * from table where to_days(column_time) = to_days(now());select * from table where date(column_time) = curdate(); 查询一周: select * from table where DATE_SUB(C
语法:select 列名, length(列名) from 表名where length(列名) = ( select max(length(列名)) from 表名); 实例:select project_num, length(project_num) from project_infor_table where length(project_num) = ( select max(length(project_num)) from project_infor_table);
SELECT * from (SELECT MAX(a.update_date) as q ,a.monitoring_point_id from biz_monitoring_point_record a GROUP BY a.monitoring_point_id ORDER BY a.update_date DESC) as t1 LEFT JOIN biz_monitoring_point_record t2 ON t1.monitoring_point_id=t2.monitoring