CREATE DEFINER=`sa`@`%` PROCEDURE `proc_Product_leimu_ParentIds`( IN pID INT ) BEGIN ) vars, product_leimu h ) T1 JOIN product_leimu T2 ON T1._id = T2.ID ORDER BY T1.lvl DESC; END MySQL 获取子分类ID的所有父分类ID和Name的集合
原生jdbc方式: Statement.getGeneratedKeys() 示例: Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { // // Create a Statement instance that we can use for // 'normal' result sets assuming you have a // Connection 'conn' to a MySQL database already // availab
mysql获取上一篇和下一篇文章的ID只要在当前页面读取上一个和下一个的ID就可以了.假设当前ID为10:搜索上一个的ID:select id from table where id<10 order by id desc limit 0,1;搜索下一个的ID:select id from table where id>10 limit 0,1;
mysql 获取当前时间为select now() 运行结果: 2012-09-05 17:24:15 mysql 获取当前时间戳为select unix_timestamp(now()) 运行结果: unix_timestamp(now()) 1346836984 select * from fanwe_payment_notice where user_id=66586 and is_paid=1 and UNIX_TIMESTAMP(pay_date)>=unix_timesta