rhel6.4 安装nodejs和Mysql DB服务 安装好redhat6.4虚拟机后, 安装软件: # yum install gcc-c++ openssl-devel Loaded plugins: product-id, security, subscription-manager This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to r
MySQL查询不区分大小写的sql写法 mysql查询默认是不区分大小写的 如: select * from some_table where str=‘abc'; select * from some_table where str='ABC'; 得到的结果是一样的,如果我们需要进行区分的话可以按照如下方法来做: 第一种方法: 要让mysql查询区分大小写,可以: select * from some_table where binary str='abc' select * from som
其实,我不是专业的DB管理同学,甚至算不上会了解.只是在最近的工作中,遇到了DB server端优化的契机,所以把这些手段记录下来: 通过调整这个参数的值,可以让DB更给力: 这两个参数的含义: 1. sync_binlog 设置为1,this makes MySQL synchronize the binary log's contents to disk each time it commits a transaction. 设置为1000,那么意味着缓存里缓存了1000条数据,如果此时se
mysql查询默认是不区分大小写的 如: select * from some_table where str=‘abc'; select * from some_table where str='ABC'; 得到的结果是一样的,如果我们需要进行区分的话可以按照如下方法来做: 第一种方法: 要让mysql查询区分大小写,可以: select * from some_table where binary str='abc' select * from some_table where binary
desc cwd_user show columns from cwd_user select COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.columns where table_name='cwd_user' and table_schema='jiradb' 1.进入Mysql,将数据导成CVSselect * from test_info into outfile '/tmp/test.csv' fields terminated by ',' optional
Copying is very simple for MyISAM and completely 100% risky (near suicidal) with InnoDB. From your question, you brought up cp /db1/mytable.frm /db2/mytable.frm MyISAM This is OK to do. However, you cannot just move the .frm. You must move all compon