Mysql 服务性能优化配置:[该文章很好] Sql查询性能优化 对Sql进行优化,肯定是该Sql运行未能达到预期:Mysql运行是基于开销的,CPU和IO. 所以第一步,监控该Sql的运行开销,找出性能瓶颈:第二步,查看该Sql的执行计划,根据执行计划 找出关键点,有针对性的进行优化. 监控Sql开销,使用profiling. 开启profiling:set profiling=1;[关闭:set pro
1. 基本的查询语句后面加上 WHERE 1=1,便于增加查询条件. ASkStr := 'select * from Twork where 1=1 '; if length(cxTEworkid.Text) <> 0 then begin ASkStr := ASkStr + ' and GWORKID like ' + quotedstr('%' + cxTEworkid.Text + '%') end; 2. 多表查询可以用一个字符串代替一个表.逻辑上更清晰. WorkTable =
select COUNT(*) from ( select ID,H1 AS Value from Table_1 union all select ID,H2 from Table_1 union all select ID,H3 from Table_1 union all select ID,H4 from Table_1 union all select ID,H5 from Table_1 ) select COUNT(*) from ( union all union all uni
select stuff((select ','+w.Waybillno from Web_Way_Waybill w where w.IsValid<>'Y' AND w.TruckOrder='T1712220007' FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,''))+ left(',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,', (59- (select len(( select stuff((select '
题目: 求组织机构ID在('5dc8de20-9f2f-465e-afcc-f69abecaee50','63549b63-1e0d-4269-98f4-013869d7f211','f7316bf3-38e9-47d4-ab95-8c702b468a2e','61e381d1-c8fc-4276-97e0-3f1b6a0356f5') 中的所有机构. 错误写法: select * from dd_Report where 1=1 and OrganizationID in('5dc8de20-