[root@NB ok]# mysqldump -uemove -h xx.xx.xx.xx -P9906 DBname t_name -p >2t_tname.sqlWarning: A partial dump from a server that has GTIDs will by default include the GTIDs of all transactions, even those that changed suppressed parts of the database.
\copy 表名 to 路径 with csv 比如: \copy dataset to /home/backup/dataset.csv with csv \copy dataset to /home/backup/dataset.csv with csv header 带字段名 导入CSV COPY mytable FROM '/myfile.csv' WITH CSV HEADER postgres=# COPY vender(sid,vender_id,vender_nam
.使用into outfile '保存到操作系统的外部文件路径' mysql -uroot -p123456 -hhostname -P3306 select column_name_list from table_name where condition into outfile '/home/glc/tmp/yes.csv'; .使用 mysql -hXXX -e "select column_name_list from table_name where condition "
需求说明: 今天一同事问,在通过mysqldump导出数据库的时候,能不能把某些表不导出,或者叫做排除在外呢, 记得应该是可以实现,就搜索了下,通过mysqldump的--ignore-table参数能够实现,再次记录下. 操作过程: 1.查看某个库及其中的表的情况 mysql> use mytest Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature t