功能:实现将表result_good_city_dzl中的字段lat更新为表 result_good_city_lh中的lat,条件是两个表中的id一样 即: update result_good_city_dzl a set a.lat=(select lat from result_good_city_lh b where a.id=b.id and b.lat!=0) DELIMITER $$DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS update_result_good_city_
--跨ip库更新表字段 update uat set goodsType=dev.goodsType from OPENDATASOURCE('SQLOLEDB','Data Source=;User ID=sa;password=123456').mark_db1.dbo.priceInfo_table1 dev , OPENDATASOURCE('SQLOLEDB','Data Source=;User ID=sa;password=654321').ma
按表中的字段 UpdateTime 按每天进行编号,每天的编号都从1开始编号,并附带表的主键 cid,把数据存入临时表中 WITH temp AS (SELECT cid,updatetime, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CONVERT(varchar(10), UpdateTime, 20) ORDER BY updatetime) AS Row_Num FROM Customer_Transfer ) 从临时表中根据主键cid进行更新 BatchNo,给
You can't specify target table for update in FROM clause含义:不能在同一表中查询的数据作为同一表的更新数据. 将sql语句 UPDATE RES_CATALOG_CLASSIFY SET CATALOG_SORT = CATALOG_SORT + 1 WHERE ID = ( SELECT ID FROM `res_catalog_classify` WHERE PARENT_ID = '001' AND CATALOG_SORT = 7