环境 # dotnet --info .NET Core SDK (reflecting any global.json): Version: Commit: 8a7ff6789d Runtime Environment: OS Name: centos OS Version: OS Platform: Linux RID: centos.-x64 Base Path: /usr/share/dotnet/sdk// Host (useful for support): Version: Com
1,修改时区 调整时区使用tzselect [root@lyn ~]# hwclock Tue Nov :: PM AST -0.198205 seconds [root@lyn ~]# tzselect Please identify a location so that time zone rules can be set correctly. Please select a continent or ocean. ) Africa ) Americas ) Antarctica ) Arc
http://www.mamicode.com/info-detail-2358309.html .netcore下已经实现了通过p/invoke方式调用linux的动态链接库(*.so)文件 1 [DllImport(@"libdl.so.2")] 2 public static extern IntPtr dlopen(string filename, int flags); 3 [DllImport("libdl.so.2")] 4 public stat
GMT即格林威治时间:UTC即全球统一时间:GMT和UTC的时间是一样的 北京时间是东八区,即GMT+8或者UTC+8 CST:Central Standard Time (CST) is 6 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This time zone is in use during standard time in: North America, Central America. 见:https://www.timeanddat