Getting Started You can argue that one can overcome these shortcomings by multithreading meaning that one can spawn a new thread and let that thread do the polling which then notifies the main thread of the data. This concept could work well, but eve
转自: 前言 关于ASP.NET的底层的工作机制,最近园子里讨论的甚是火热.相信很多人都看过Rick Strahl先生的一篇经典之作:A low-level Look at the ASP.NET Architecture,经Rick Strahl先生同意,我把他的这篇文章翻译成中文,希望能够给想深入了解ASP.NET工作机制的朋友一点帮助. 特别说明: 文章一: 当前在网络传输应用中,广泛采用的是TCP/IP通信协议及其标准的socket应用开发编程接口(API).TCP/IP传输层有两个并列的协议:TCP和UDP.其中TCP(transport control protocol,传输控制协议)是面向连接的,提供高可靠性服务.UDP(user datagram pro