好久没有重新安装node.js,昨天和小伙伴们一起安装,由于自己是在网上自行下载的node,安装地比较顺利,但另外两个小伙伴用的共享文件夹里自带的node,却是屡次碰到问题,快被逼疯,在运行Vue时总是出现这种提示错误. ERROR in Node Sass does not yet support your current environmen 在网上查了一堆解决方案,浪费了大量的时间后,终于找到了问题所在.正如图中提示的那样,是因为node sass不支持当前环境,百度之后才知道,node
Node环境从8升级到10后,Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment 标签(空格分隔): Node Node环境从8升级到10后,运行程序抛出Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment的错误. 按照网上的解决方案,运行npm rebuild node-sass,提示下载某个文件超时(Cannot download "https
导入Vue项目后,#npm run dev 报错: error in ./src/pages/hello.vue Module build failed: Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment....... 大致就是编译某个vue文件失败,因为构造Module失败,node sass 不支持当前环境[主要是node ]. 先看一下node版本: #node --version 升级了node版本/ node版
运行Reac项目报: Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment: OS X 64-bit with Node.js 10.x 解决方法:进入project根目录,执行rebuild命令 npm rebuild node-sass
错误提示: Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (64) For more information on which environments are supported please see: https://github.com/sass/node-sass/releases/tag/v3.13.1 at module.e
npm run dev 启动时,报了一大堆错误 Module build failed: Error: Missing binding E:\2017VocaSchool\vocationWeb\node_modules\node-sass\vendor\win32-x64-51\binding.node Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Node.js 7.x
Node环境从8升级到10后,运行程序抛出Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment的错误. Node环境从8升级到10后: 就是之前 是 node8 现在换成 node10报的错误,运行程序抛出Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment的错误. 简单的说,这段代码就是告诉你,node-sass 不兼容 node v8 的版本.
我在运行renren-fast-vue前端项目时,安装完依赖cnpm install 启动服务npm run dev 出现问题. Module build failed: Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (67) 我以为是我安装Node太高了(升了下级node-v13.9.0),我尝试卸载重新安装Node(v11.9.0)