CREATE TABLE `student`(`studentNo` INT (4) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY COMMENT '学号',`loginPwd` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '密码',`studentName` VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL COMMENT '姓名',`sex` CHAR(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '男' COMMENT '性别',`gradeId` INT (4) UNSIGNED COMM
/* MySQL中的变量局部变量,用户变量,会话变量和全局变量. 用户变量不用定义,直接使用. 1.用户变量赋值 set @xxx = 值; 2.查询 select @xxx; 语法帮助: 过程保存在information_schema.routines表中 help create PROCEDURE help drop PROCEDURE help SET help select help WHILE help if statement help declare bug点: 不同数据库可以存在 Revoking certificates and alerting the OpenVPN server Revoke a certificate 撤销一个证书Over time, it may become necessary to revoke a certificate thus denying access to the affected user(s). This example revoke
一.SQL子查询语句 1.单行子查询 select ename,deptno,sal from emp where deptno=(select deptno from dept where loc='NEW YORK'): 2.多行子查询 SELECT ename,job,sal FROM EMP WHERE deptno in ( SELECT deptno FROM dept WHERE dnam
在给一个Login授予权限时,发现该Login已经存在,其对应的User也存在于指定的DB中,查看该Login在指定DB中已被授予的权限. 1,查看Login的Server PrincipalID select * from sys.server_principals sp where'Domain_Name\Llogin_Name' 2,查看Login是否属于Server Role的Member select * from sys.server_role_members sr
查询当前用户:show user 查看当前用户下的表:select *from tab; 设置行宽: show linesize;(查看行宽) set linesize 120;(设置行宽) 设置列宽:col 列名 for a8; (设置字符串) col 列名 for 9999;(设置数字的) 查看表的结构:dese emp; 查询所有的员工信息:select * from emp; 投影:select empno,ename,sal from emp; 滤空函数:select emp